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Linear alignment of Planets, June 2022 - The truth of Observation before the dawn
06.26 행성 정렬 planet alignment 2022
독일에서 행성정렬 보기
“Observing and Understanding the Moon” by Robert Reeves | Astronomy Speaker Series by ALP
220625 - 동촌 해맞이 공원에서 (행성 정렬, 해맞이, 별 일주 타임랩스)
2022 행성정렬... 못보신분 월화(수)목금토 보고 가세요~!
EAS 2022 PLENARY SESSION, Tuesday 28.06.2022
Five Hours Of Mind-Blowing Solar System Exploration | BBC Earth Science
Steven Furlanetto "The Cosmic Dawn: Illuminating a Dark Universe"
06/22 밤하늘에 행성 여섯개✨ six planet lined up
행성정렬이 뭐예요? 언제까지 볼 수 있어요? 왜 새벽에만 보여요?
KEYNOTE | Commissioning and First Results of JWST’s FGS/NIRISS